Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Being a woman on the Internet is hard. Being a fat woman on the Internet can be even harder. Let's take a stroll through some delightful conversations with trolls to demonstrate what I mean.
If you're a fat woman on the Internet, these will likely sound familiar . . .
Troll: You're fat.
Woman: Yes, I'm aware.
Troll: So fat.
Woman: Great lunch with friends today!
Troll: Did you eat your friends? Get it?
Woman: Yeah, I get it.
Troll: Because you know. You're fat.
Troll: Ugh, your fatness is draining our healthcare system. My tax dollars pay for that.
Woman: I pay into that system too.
Woman: Today I'm go-
Troll: I would never have sex with you. You're too fat.
Woman: Ok . . . well that's fine. I wouldn't have sex with you either.
Troll: But I said it first. Fatty.
Troll: I've just spent the last hour going through all your profile pictures and you are disgusting.
Woman posts picture of herself enjoying a sandwich at a restaurant.
Troll: GROSS. What are you doing?
Woman: Eating.
Troll: A sandwich? Have some self-control.
Woman posts a picture of herself eating a salad.
Troll: A salad? You aren't fooling anybody with that. Fatty.
Troll: So your name is Amanda? More like FATmanda. Get it?
Woman: That doesn't even make sense.
Troll: It's like Amanda, but with fat in the front.
Troll: I just spent three hours photoshopping your head onto the body of a whale.
Woman: Wow . . . that's a lot of effort.
Troll: Because you're fat. Like a whale. Whales are also fat.
Woman: I know how whales work.
Troll: I'm just really worried about you. About your health. I just want you to be happy.
Woman: Thanks but I'm fine.
Troll: You're disgusting.
Woman: I can't shake this cold.
Troll: Have you considered losing weight?
Woman: I don't think those are related.
Troll: Pretty sure it's a cold from fatness.
Woman: I really admire this scientist. Her discoveries are amazing
Woman: How old are you?
Woman: Finally out of the hospital!
Troll: You look great! Have you lost weight?
Woman: Well I've been in the hospital for 2 weeks . . .
Troll: You look so much better. Keep it up!
Woman: You are really making me angry.
Troll: What. Are you going to sit on me?
Woman: Ugh . . .
Troll: You know. Just like sit on me with your fat until I'm dead?
Woman: It almost sounds like you want me to.
Troll: Shut up. FATTTTT.